IVS Analysis Report for R1927 ($19DEC30XA) This report is the official IVS analysis report that corresponds to the database maintained by the IVS Data Centers for this session. (Analyzed by David Gordon, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Spoolfile source: interactive solve/nuSolve analysis.) Problems: Very poor perfomance at SEJONG. Both bands are very noisy. Some refringing was done and we now get 219 observations vs. 80 before refringing. Parameterization comments: MATERA's cable cal has breaks and was not applied. Other comments: NYALE13S did not observe. ----------------------------------------- Session Statistics Observations: 3301 scheduled 2143 correlated (in database) 1901 recoverable (usable) 1792 used Session fit: 29.850 ps ----------------------------------------- Station Performance Number of Observations Scheduled Recoverable* Used % of scheduled obs used FORTLEZA 858 590 566 66.0% MATERA 1308 937 899 68.7% NYALE13S 1057 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% NYALES20 1347 956 896 66.5% SEJONG 611 276 219 35.8% WETTZ13N 1421 1043 1004 70.7% --------------- --------- ----------- --------- ------ Station Total** 3301 1901 1792 54.3% * Recoverable: can be included in the solution. ** Total includes distinct observations only. MISSED: Station was scheduled, but it did not observe. NOT CORR: Station was scheduled but not correlated. NOT USED: Usable data was generated for this station, but the analyst rejected it all. ----------------------------------------- Source Performance Number of Observations Scheduled Correlated* Used % of scheduled obs used 1022+194 1 1 1 100.0% 1227+255 3 3 3 100.0% 0745+241 13 10 10 76.9% 1435-218 6 6 5 83.3% 0119+115 24 24 10 41.7% 0133+476 151 114 88 58.3% 0229+131 59 42 31 52.5% 0454-234 11 9 8 72.7% 0552+398 273 152 104 38.1% 0727-115 27 25 24 88.9% OJ287 231 149 133 57.6% 1418+546 136 99 75 55.1% NRAO512 176 137 107 60.8% 1741-038 51 34 32 62.7% 1749+096 148 102 92 62.2% 3C418 456 278 242 53.1% 3C446 30 26 25 83.3% 0613+570 143 81 76 53.1% 1149-084 3 3 3 100.0% 1639-062 30 28 22 73.3% 2229+695 115 64 61 53.0% 2355-106 30 30 25 83.3% 0420+022 41 25 22 53.7% 0716+714 98 69 64 65.3% 1144+402 304 182 166 54.6% 1546+027 124 83 77 62.1% 2144+092 18 14 14 77.8% 0322+222 10 6 6 60.0% 1657-261 12 12 11 91.7% 0017+200 144 83 75 52.1% 0202+319 200 114 97 48.5% 1030+415 207 121 70 33.8% 1842+681 26 17 13 50.0% ------------ --------- ---------- ------ ------ Source Total 3301 2143 1792 54.3% * Correlated: included in database ----------------------------------------- Baseline Performance Number of Observations Scheduled Recoverable* Used % of scheduled obs used FORTLEZA-MATERA 235 198 188 80.0% FORTLEZA-NYALE13S 144 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% FORTLEZA-NYALES20 207 175 169 81.6% FORTLEZA-SEJONG 16 2 DESELECTED 0.0% FORTLEZA-WETTZ13N 256 215 209 81.6% MATERA-NYALE13S 245 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% MATERA-NYALES20 322 308 300 93.2% MATERA-SEJONG 129 66 62 48.1% MATERA-WETTZ13N 377 365 349 92.6% NYALE13S-NYALES20 274 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% NYALE13S-SEJONG 130 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% NYALE13S-WETTZ13N 264 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% NYALES20-SEJONG 178 109 69 38.8% NYALES20-WETTZ13N 366 364 358 97.8% SEJONG-WETTZ13N 158 99 88 55.7% ----------------- --------- ----------- ---------- ------ Baseline Total 3301 1901 1792 54.3% * Recoverable: can be included in the solution. MISSED: Baseline was scheduled, but at least one of the sites did not observe. NOT CORR: Baseline was scheduled but not correlated. NO DATA: The baseline's stations were both correlated, but they did not observe together. DESELECTED: Usable data was generated for the baseline, but the analyst rejected it.